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Our club uses

CMX HO Brass Track Cleaning Car along with mineral sprits on our nickel silver rail. We find it does an exceptional job.

The atmosphere has a big, big effect on our Nickel Silver track cleaning car’s fluid drip rate. The cars were calibrated with reference marks in the Summer when the temperature was hot, so the reference mark will work in the Summer but not in the Winter. Before using a track cleaning car you must raise it to eye level and then open the needle valve until a drip appears. Then you must adjust the valve so that when a drip appears the next drip occurs just after you have counted backwards 5-4-3-2-1 or 5-4-3-2-drip. That will result in approximately 12 drips per minute as recommended by the car’s manufacturer.

Click on Track Cleaning From MRH Magazine by Joe Fugate for good informational reading on track cleaning


Also check out Rail Serve website for a ton of information. is a comprehensive guide to 19,000 railroad websites, online resources, and upcoming events.
Our directory features 180 categories spanning rail travel, hobby, and industry. Updated daily since 1996.


Here's a site that came to us from a young girl who was doing a school project on learning about the history of transportation, the pioneers who changed travel and important moments in transportation history. Thank you Kerri

A History of Trolleys, Light Rails, Street Cars and Subways